HolyCoonz Queen

HolyCoonz Delilah
Pedigree Name: HolyCoonz Delilah of HappyHeartMCO
Gender: Female
DOB: November 12.2022
Coat Color: Black Silver Classic Tabby
Eye Color: Green
Champions: Grand International Champion 3rd Generation, International Champion 4th Generation and Grand International and International Champion 5th Generation
Parents: Cayleescooz Amazing Grace “Alta” and Sherlynx Ignacio of Ttcats
Genotype: A/a, D/d
Blood Type: A/A
Percentage of Heterozygosity: 35%
HCM: N/N Clear by DNA Testing
SMA: N/N Clear by DNA Testing
PKD: N/N Clear by DNA Testing
PK Def: N/N Clear by DNA Testing
Wisdom Panel (Optimal Selection) DNA Full results: www.wisdompanel.com/app/s/8bqmw3p
Entropion: No
Gums: Normal/No Gingivitis
Cardiac Echo: Normal

Fusce gravida arcu ut urna sodales, in consectetur velit fermentum. Aenean viverra cursus dolor, vel tristique felis interdum sed. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Hello Fusce gravida arcu ut urna sodales, in consectetur velit fermentum. Aenean viverra cursus dolor, vel tristique felis interdum sed. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Delilah’s Personality Assessment
This assessment will help you in the decision-making process of selecting your kitten. So much of the parent’s temperaments are passed down to their kittens.
- Does the cat enjoy being held/cuddled? She tolerates being held. Loves to be pet and seeks your attention. Will lay down beside you, make biscuits and wants to be pet.
- Does the cat enjoy being brushed? She will tolerate being brushed for short periods of time. If you feed her a Churu during grooming, it’s game on, brush, brush, brush!
- Is the cat social with other cats? Yes, she loves to play with other cats. She is the Alpha female. Will go right up to a new kitty and introduce herself.
- Is the cat social with people? She is very sociable. Will go to everyone. Head bumps them and says pet me!
- How confident is the cat? She is sooooooo confident! Alpha female totally! She runs the household. Struts her stuff and switches her tail back and forth high in the air!
- Does the cat approach me when I enter the cattery/nursery? Yes absolutely. She demands attention and is waiting at the door when she hears me coming. The females are separated from the males. All kitties live with us in our home. They take turns having the house to roam around.
- Does the cat approach strangers when they enter the house? Yes, once she determines they are not a threat! She is very confident and loves attention.
- Does the cat climb into my lap and relax? Yes, Delilah is a very affectionate kitty. Will lay on my lap but prefers to lay right next to me and wants all the loving she can get.
- Is the cat more social or more of a loner? Very social. Doesn’t like to be alone. She meows at the door if it is closed.
- Is this an alpha cat? Yes, Alpha all the way! Runs the household.
- Energy level? Moderate in spurts. Mainly in the morning and evening. Does get the zoomies occasionally in the middle of the day.
- Bad habits? Persistent and demands attention. Not a bad habit! She is very nosey and gets into everything!!! She thinks everything belongs to her!
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Terri Brock
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