HolyCoonz Ariel

Pedigree Name: Holycoonz Ariel

Status: Breeding Queen, Not Available

Gender: Female

DOB: November 12, 2022

Coat Color: Blue

Eye Color: Green

Champions: Grand International Champion 3rd Generation, International Champion 4th Generation and Grand International and International Champion 5th Generation

Parents: Sherlynx Ignacio of Ttcats and Cayleescoons Amazing Grace “Alta” of Holycoonz

Genotype: a/a, d/d

Blood Type: A/A

Percentage of Heterozygosity: 35%

HCM N/N by DNA Testing

SMA: N/N by DNA Testing

PKD: N/N by DNA Testing

PKD Def: N/N by DNA Testing

Wisdom Panel (Optimal Selection) DNA Full results: www.wisdompanel.com/app/s/q4rkv97

Entropion: No

Gums: Normal/No Gingivitis

Cardiac Echo: Normal

Hip Dysplasia Screening: Normal

Advanced Search

Ariel’s Parents

Queen: Cayleescoons Amazing Grace “Alta” of Holycoonz

Sire: Sherlynx Ignacio of Ttcats

Ariel Newborn to Present

HolyCoonz Ariel Personality Assessment

This assessment will help you in the decision-making process of selecting your kitten. So much of the parent’s temperaments are passed down to their kittens.

  1. Does the cat enjoy being held/cuddled? Yes, enjoys being held and being handled. Will crawl up into your lap and fall asleep.
  2. Does the cat enjoy being brushed? Yes, for short periods of time.
  3. Is the cat social with other cats? Yes, very social and interested in other cats. Plays well with siblings and cattery mates.
  4. Is the cat social with people? Yes, interested but will wait back and give herself time to assess you before she approaches. 
  5. How confident is the cat? She holds her own. Is confident in her own surroundings. More reserved in a new environment.
  6. Does the cat approach me when I enter the cattery? At times. Watches from a distance. Not timid but is reserved with strangers until she has sized you up. Once she is comfortable, she will approach you.
  7. Does the cat approach strangers when they enter the house? Not immediately. She assesses you from afar then will approach once she feels more comfortable.
  8. Does the cat climb into my lap and relax? Yes, when I sit on the floor she climbs into my lap.
  9. Is the cat more social or more of a loner?  She is sociable but takes her time to warm up to strangers. Very social in her own surroundings.
  10. Is this an alpha cat? No, she is fine sitting back and watching her litter mates. Let’s them run the roost but does have periods of assertiveness.
  11. Energy Level? Moderate energy level in spurts.
  12. Bad Habits? No bad habits, a very easy-going kitty.


Ariel’s Kittens