HolyCoonz Ariel
Pedigree Name: Holycoonz Ariel
Status: Breeding Queen, Not Available
Gender: Female
DOB: November 12, 2022
Coat Color: Blue
Eye Color: Green
Champions: Grand International Champion 3rd Generation, International Champion 4th Generation and Grand International and International Champion 5th Generation
Parents: Sherlynx Ignacio of Ttcats and Cayleescoons Amazing Grace “Alta” of Holycoonz
Genotype: a/a, d/d
Blood Type: A/A
Percentage of Heterozygosity: 35%
HCM N/N by DNA Testing
SMA: N/N by DNA Testing
PKD: N/N by DNA Testing
PKD Def: N/N by DNA Testing
Wisdom Panel (Optimal Selection) DNA Full results: www.wisdompanel.com/app/s/q4rkv97
Entropion: No
Gums: Normal/No Gingivitis
Cardiac Echo: Normal
Hip Dysplasia Screening: Normal
Ariel’s Parents
Queen: Cayleescoons Amazing Grace “Alta” of Holycoonz

Sire: Sherlynx Ignacio of Ttcats

Ariel Newborn to Present
HolyCoonz Ariel Personality Assessment
This assessment will help you in the decision-making process of selecting your kitten. So much of the parent’s temperaments are passed down to their kittens.
- Does the cat enjoy being held/cuddled? Yes, enjoys being held and being handled. Will crawl up into your lap and fall asleep.
- Does the cat enjoy being brushed? Yes, for short periods of time.
- Is the cat social with other cats? Yes, very social and interested in other cats. Plays well with siblings and cattery mates.
- Is the cat social with people? Yes, interested but will wait back and give herself time to assess you before she approaches.
- How confident is the cat? She holds her own. Is confident in her own surroundings. More reserved in a new environment.
- Does the cat approach me when I enter the cattery? At times. Watches from a distance. Not timid but is reserved with strangers until she has sized you up. Once she is comfortable, she will approach you.
- Does the cat approach strangers when they enter the house? Not immediately. She assesses you from afar then will approach once she feels more comfortable.
- Does the cat climb into my lap and relax? Yes, when I sit on the floor she climbs into my lap.
- Is the cat more social or more of a loner? She is sociable but takes her time to warm up to strangers. Very social in her own surroundings.
- Is this an alpha cat? No, she is fine sitting back and watching her litter mates. Let’s them run the roost but does have periods of assertiveness.
- Energy Level? Moderate energy level in spurts.
- Bad Habits? No bad habits, a very easy-going kitty.
Ariel’s Kittens